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Scholarly Communications and Research

Outlines scholarly communications and research services

Author/Researcher Profiles

Online author profiles ensure that you receive credit for your work, no matter how many others share your name, and that a bibliography of your work is visible to fellow academics and researchers.

You may already have a Google Scholar account, which is one way of amplifying your work and ensuring your work is searchable. Scopus author profiles and ORCID iDs are two other ways to represent yourself and list your work. At minimum, we recommend creating and maintaining an ORCID iD. Your presence on Scopus is automatically generated when you publish in a publication indexed by Scopus.

Make sure your institutional affiliation across all profiles is set to UDST. For the most impact, link separate profiles together and keep each one up-to-date. See below for more information.

Contact the Applied Research, Innovation and Economic Development Directorate if you have questions about or updates to the UDST Researcher Profile webpages.


An ORCID iD is an alphanumeric code that is unique to you. You can create one free of cost.

Make sure to keep your profile up-to-date.

SCOPUS Author Profile

Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. 

One cannot create an author profile on Scopus. A Scopus Author Profile automatically gets created for you when you publish in a publication that is indexed in Scopus. Your name will appear via the author search function even if you have 1 publication. When you have at least 2 Scopus-indexed publications, your name will be hyperlinked to your profile. Note also that publications take several weeks to get added to your Scopus author profile.

If you have a Scopus Author Profile that requires editing, use the Scopus author feedback wizard to do so (Scopus account required) or contact us.

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Scopus Author Profile FAQs
Official Scopus LibGguide
Scopus: Access and Use Support Center