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Scholarly Communications and Research

Outlines scholarly communications and research services

Why is reference management important?

Reference management software helps you organize your research and save time. With the help of software, you can

  • store and collect your references in one place
  • generate citations in a variety of formats.

Scholars at all levels, from undergraduates to full-time researchers, can benefit from a reference management tool.

Reference Management Software


EndNote is a popular citation management software with various integrative capabilities with word processing software. We have a limited number of EndNote licenses available. To install it on your UDST computer, please submit a request for pre-approved software via the IT Help Desk.

How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes (Windows)


We have access to RefWorks, a reference management software.

How to create an account

  • Visit and click on "Create Account."
  • Enter your university email address.
  • You will then be taken to a page that says "Good news! RefWorks is available at University of Doha for Science & Technology (UDST).”
  • Create a password on this page.
  • Check your email for confirmation of account creation.

Official RefWorks library guide


Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to collect, organize, cite, and share research.

Zotero Quick Start Guide