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Faculty Resources

Library / Research Instruction for Students

Faculty members are encouraged to request in-class instruction sessions from librarians, which can be customized for relevancy to course content and research assignments. Advance notice of five working days, especially for requests involving customization, is required in order to deliver quality instruction.

Instructional sessions can be a general introduction to our resources, or can cover specific topics, such as how to use course-related databases, how to evaluate web content, how to begin research in the library, etc.


Librarians can come to your classroom, or you can bring your class to the library.

Bringing students to the library is also a great way to familiarize them with the library space, services, and staff, and help them be comfortable using these resources in future.

To book an instructional session, please use the form provided below.  You can also book a group tour of the Main Library or Learning Commons for your students.

Request a Session

Information Literacy for UDST Instructors and Staff

The UDST Library has many resources you can use to update your own Information Literacy skills.  If you wish to present any Information Literacy concepts in your classroom, these resources are an excellent refresher for those of you who haven't had to do research recently.  How to search online resources, evaluating the information found, properly citing and using resources ethically are just some of the areas covered.

In 2015, (now LinkedIn Learning) released an Information Literacy course suitable for instuctors which we are confident recommending to you.