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Scholarly Communications and Research

Outlines scholarly communications and research services

The Scholarly Communication and Research (SCR) unit of the Library Services Directorate supports the needs of researchers on campus — faculty, graduate students, affiliated researchers, and undergraduate students.

Our Librarians can assist with:

  • Conducting systematic reviews
  • Managing citations
  • Publishing and binding Master’s theses
  • Exploring Open Access publishing options
  • Avoiding predatory publishers and conferences
  • Navigating the student and faculty publishing processes
  • Finding the right journal to publish in
  • Understanding your rights as an author
  • Comprehending Qatari and international copyright law for publishing and teaching
  • Creating/maintaining your ORCID and Scopus profile
  • Maximizing research dissemination, accessibility, and impact
  • Identifying relevant research for your project, paper, conference abstract, or other research