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Systematic & Literature Reviews

A guide to resources for information about systematic and literature reviews.

Options for a Literature Review

1. You can get started by searching "All Collections" on our homepage.

2. Or, you could search in a specific database. To view our databases, please visit our A to Z/Online Resources page.

3. Another option to get started with your literature review is Keenious, an AI-powered tool. See the Keenious guide for more information about Keenious.

See below for more information about options 1 and 2.

Searching All Databases at Once

You can use the "All Collections" search bar on the library homepage to get started. This will search across all of our databases.

Use the "Advanced Search" feature to break up your topic by keyword. Put different keywords on different lines. Add synonyms for each keyword or concept, as appropriate.

You can use the "Peer Review" option to filter your results. You can also filter by year, source type, etc.

Best UDST Healthcare Databases to Use for Student Reviews