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"Embase is a medical research database with high-quality, comprehensive evidence. Regulators around the world recognize Embase as a source for medical literature. Life science experts rely on Embase to find relevant and current results based on Emtree indexing of full-text content and dedicated search terms."  - from Embase

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Emtree - controlled vocabulary for systematic reviews

Embase is searchable via keywords and also by Emtree terms. Emtree terms are a form of controlled vocabulary. An Emtree search allows you to search with precision and high recall.

All Embase content is indexed using Emtree terms; all MeSH terms are included in the Emtree thesaurus. Emtree has been used to index all of the Embase content, dating back to 1947. It is unrivalled in its coverage of drug, disease and medical device terminology.

Emtree contains approximately 26 thousand terms and is updated annually to reflect changes in medicine and medical terminology. It contains more than 270,000 synonyms; each term has on average more than four synonyms.

Why are Emtree terms important?
Using a controlled vocabulary ensures that your search is thorough. For example, using Emtree terms will ensure that a search for 'heart attack' will also retrieve records mentioning 'myocardial infarction'.

To convert PubMed terms (MeSH) to Embase, use the Query Translator on Embase.