How La Nación’s Data Team Produces Award-Winning Stories – Global Investigative Journalism Network (
"In 2018, La Nación once again won the “Chartbeat award for the best use of data in a breaking news story, within the first 36 hours” in the Data Journalism Awards. The story covered the ARA San Juan submarine that disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean in November 2017. Journalist Carolina Ávila spoke about the project, sharing her vision of what makes La Nación one of the most awarded media outlets in the region for data journalism. Ávila was the project leader of the ARA San Juan Submarine project for which the team created a video based on the positions of the boats looking for the missing vessel. Using the MarineTraffic database, LN Data — the publication’s data team — searched for the vessels that were locating the submarine and tracked them from November 17 to 23 to find out which direction the vessels were heading."
The award-winning example of data journalism: ESPECIAL ARA San Juan: detalles inéditos del viaje final - LA NACION
Dollar Street
Dollar Street was invented by Anna Rosling Rönnlund at Gapminder. For 15 years she spent her workdays making global public data easier to understand and use. Over time her frustration grew: carefully selecting data to present it in colorful and moving charts made overall global trends and patterns easier to understand. But it did not make everyday life on different income levels understandable. Especially not in places far from home. “People in other cultures are often portrayed as scary or exotic.” Anna explains: “This has to change. We want to show how people really live. It seemed natural to use photos as data so people can see for themselves what life looks like on different income levels. Dollar Street lets you visit many, many homes all over the world. Without travelling.” - About Dollar Street, Gapminder
An international competition to celebrate the best data journalism from around the world. It is also here to empower, elevate and enlighten the global community of data journalists.
University of Florida Award in Investigative Data Journalism category (Small/Medium Newsroom and Large Room) from the OnlineJournalism Awards (OJA) of the Online News Association (ONA).
These awards were discontinued in 2019.